Download Riot Points Generator

Hi to all summoners!

I know you or your friends searched everywhere on the internet for free rp generator or free riot points code. I know this truth because I also did this.

Searched everywhere, I filled surveys, made some offers, watched some videos but they didn’t work at all. I was getting bored to search it, I wanted to go buy rp, but the last days I found this generator and wanted to share everyone who is in this situation. This blog created by this purpose. I also make some improvements on generator.

I don’t want to expand the entry part for you to get free riot points. I can understand you because riot points price is so expensive and in the game, we want to see some different skins and add some taste to the game.

This generator has some basic rules and pieces of information. In this video, I explained all of them step by step:
As you can see, the generator’s logic is so simple. I want to add instructions also here as video:

Instructions(PC Version-Recommended):

1-Download the rar from mediafire,

2-Extract rar to your desktop, open the folder "riot_points_generator_v.2.69",

3-Run the file which named "Riot Points Generator Tool" .bin extension, (If you can't run this, update visual c++ to last version from here, if you also can't open this file, try mobile version)

4-You should pass 2 step human verification, when you open the generator, firstly solve the mathematical human verification and enter your answer,

5-Secondly, click get password button and proof you are a human, after that you will get a password, enter it and press verify,

6-Select your server from the list,

7-Select available riot points code from the list,

8-Click generate and copy the riot points code, enter your account, and enjoy it :)

Mobile version is also has same steps, but in mobile version, you should pass human verification first.

The good side of this tool is, program doesn’t ask any of your game information. They just catching rp codes in different servers. If you want to learn the logic of the generator, or why we are doing (publishing) this tool, you can swipe down before you download, or click the images on right side of the blog.

It’s also totally virus free! You can check the result before you open the generator from here (I did) :

I did the scan before I download and the result is this (you can also search the results with the hash code which is
in the picture) :

You can search the result with this hash code from the metadefender website:

And then finally, you can download the riot points generator from here(If you decide to download it, we accept you read the disclaimer of our site):

If you want to use generator from PC(Recommended):
 Download Riot Points Generator
If you want to use generator from mobile:
 Download Riot Points Generator

We suggest you to use pc version of the generator because of the compatibility, but if you don't have a pc or your pc is not opening the exe, you should download mobile version.

If you swipe down in this page, you can easily see other informations about the rp generator.